Getting behind on your bills is nothing to be ashamed of. But some lenders try to take advantage of you instead of working with you to eliminate the debt. If you are being sued, there are still options that will prevent a judgement against you. Learn more.
If you already have a judgment, you know how this can be a burden on your credit or even on the sale of your property. Our debt defense lawyers can help you to resolve and eliminate judgements through negotiation and reduction. Learn more.
We understand that you work hard to pay down your loans. Our debt defense attorneys can help you negotiate with your lender to ensure you can move forward stress-free. Learn more.

About Us
Ben Trotter founded this law firm in 2015 to provide clients with protection against debt collectors. Ben partners with The Rutherford Law Firm, PLLC, a full service law firm with almost 75 years of legal experience. The firm’s goal is to provide clients with affordable and aggressive defense against debt collectors, credit card companies, and student loans.
We offer a free consultation to new clients. Our services are available at flat fees so there are never any surprises or secret charges. Flexible payment plans are available starting as low as $50 a month. In some cases, you won’t pay any out of pocket legal expenses.